Second Task Analysis

Means girls Dvd Cover

Second Task Analysis

After 3 weeks of hard work we have finally finished our remake of the Mean Girls phone call scene. Here is my analysis of the original scene.

Scene Location and use of colour

The settings of the 4 girls include 3 bedrooms, an en suite bathroom and a kitchen. The 3 bedrooms have been specifically decorated to suit the personality/characteristics of the girls characters. Cady’s bedroom is full of warm tones such as brown, and quite bare. Its full of photos and drawings. This shows her love of travelling and pride in being from south Africa. The color brown has connotations such as heat, down-to-earth , a comfortable home and loyal companionship. It is a color of physical comfort, simplicity and quality which I think represents Cady’s personality and nhhhfamily life well. Cady-House

Gretchen bedroom is purple. Purple combines the stability of blue and the energy of red. Purple is associated with royalty. It symbolizes power, nobility, luxury, and ambition. It conveys wealth and extravagance.ujkujty


Dark Purple evokes gloom and sad feelings. It can cause frustration. Gretchen is the best friend that is being replaced and therefore has a lot of frustration.
The colour purple has been chosen to show Gretchen’s power of popularity, and wealth.


Karen smith is a dumb blonde. They frgtuhuolhave chosen pale green for her bedroom. This
is the colour of balance and harmony. Green is also the colour of growth, the colour of spring, of renewal and rebirth. Green is an emotionally positive colour, giving us the ability to love and nurture ourselves and others unconditionally. Karen is a mentally simple girl, who although referred to as a ‘slut’ many times, has a lot of children characteristics. Her Bed is full of Stuffed animals and her wall is full of drawings of birds. This shows her young at heart character.

Camera Angles

The camera angles they have chosen consist mainly of mid shots and close ups. This is because they want to focus mainly on the facial expressions of the characters and the way a line is delivered through movement, for example the rolling of Karens eyes when Gretchen is speaking to her, and the way Cady lies on her bed when explaining to Gretchen that regina is not mad at her.


The lighting for the scene is very warm toned. The lighting is important because the props and facial features need to be clear and visual for the viewers to clearly understand the concept of what is happening. The 4 settings are lit using artificial lighting due to the time of day being early evening.


The scene uses a variety of two, three and four way split screens. When someone leaves they always leave to their side of the screen. This is to show everyones reactions to the topic they are talking about.


At the start of the scene the sound is all diegetic. This means all sound can be heard by the characters on screen, this involves sounds such as speech. Half way through the scene non diegetic sound begins to play. This is a xylophone dramatic sound which has been used so it doesn’t distract the viewers from the overall conversation but also adds tension so that the viewers know this isn’t a happy/friendly conversation, but a dramatic, key part of the film.


The use of props in the scene are used to show how the characters are feeling. for example, Regina is eating doughnuts and bread. Regina, being a size 0 ‘perfect figured’   queen bee, to be shown binge eating doughnuts and bread show she is under a lot of stress. The only other key props used in the rest of the scene is the teddy bears in Karens room, and of course, the phone is all the characters hand to show that they are all on a joint phone call. Karen holding the teddy bear when on the phone to the other girls, shows her venerability and childlike characteristics. It also show the audience her brain is slightly simple/ under developed.



Split screen. Cady and Regina are on the phone from their respective phones. Regina’s skin is looking pretty bad.

CADY: Gretchen thinks you’re mad at her because she’s running for Spring Fling Queen.

REGINA: Oh my God, I’m not mad at her, I’m worried about her. I think somebody nominated her as a joke or something, I mean nobody votes for her, she’s gunna have a total meltdown, and who’s gunna have to take care of her, me!

CADY: So, you don’t think anyone will vote for her?

REGINA: Cady, she’s not pretty, i mean, that sounds bad but whatever. The Spring Fling Queen is always pretty. And the crazy thing is, is that it should be Karen, but, people forget about her because she’s such a slut. Anyway, i gotta go, i’m going to bed.

Regina hangs up and disappears

CADY: Well, she’s not mad at you.

The screen splits again from the other side to reveal that with 3-way calling, Gretchen was on the line the whole time. Her eyes are full of tears

GRETCHEN: Hold on!

CADY: Are you ok?


Gretchen hangs up on her. Cady looks surprised as she slides off screen. Gretchen sobs for a second as she dials the phone. Split screen as Karen answers.

KAREN: Hello?

GRETCHEN: If someone said something bad about you, you’d want me to tell you, right?


GRETCHEN: What if it was someone you thought was your friend.

KAREN: What are you…? Hold on, other line.

GRETCHEN: Im not taking this anymore.

CADY: Good for you Gretch!

Karen clicks over. The screen splits in thirds. It’s Regina. We still see Gretchen holding the other line.

KAREN: Hello?

REGINA: Lets go out.

KAREN: Okay. hold on, i’m on the other line with Gretchen.

REGINA: Don’t invite Gretchin, she’s driving me nuts.

KAREN: Hold on.

REGINA: Ok, hurry up.

Karen clicks back over to Gretchen. While she wait, Regina eats a loaf of French bread

KAREN: It’s Regina, she wants to hang out with me tonight but she told me not to tell you.

GRETCHEN: Do not hang out with her.


GRETCHEN: You don’t want me to tell you.

KAREN: Ugh, you can tell me, hold on…

Karen tries to click back over to Regina but it doesn’t work

KAREN: Oh my God she’s so annoying.


KAREN: Who’s this?

GRETCHEN: Gretchen.

KAREN: Right, hold on…

Karen clicks over again. This time she gets Regina. While Gretchen wait, she studies her face in the mirror.

KAREN: Oh my God, she’s so annoying.

REGINA: I know, just get rid of her.

Karen clicks over to Gretchen

KAREN: Ok, what is it?

GRETCHEN: Regina says everyone hates you because your such a slut.

KAREN: She said that?

GRETCHEN: You didn’t hear it from me.

CADY: Little harsh Gretch.

GRETCHEN: Ugh, whatever, she has a right to know.

Karen clicks over

KAREN: I can’t go out “cough cough” I’m sick.

REGINA: Boo you whore.

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Task 2- Re-Create A Film Scene

2nd Task: For our second task. We have been asked to Research a Director of our choice and re-create a Movie Scene .

We were told we had to get into groups and choose a director one of us had researched, and re-make a movie scene from one of their movies.

Me, Magda and Sophie decided to get into a group and we chose to do a film from the director I researched “Mark Waters” as all 3 of us came to agreement that Mean Girls was one of our favourite films.

Means girls Dvd Cover
Means girls Dvd Cover

Mean Girls is a 2004 American teen comedy film directed by Mark Waters and written by Tina Fey

American Comedian, Producer, Actress and Writer Tina Fey (46)

The film is based in part on Rosalind Wiseman’s non-fiction book Queen Bees and Wannabes, which describes female high school social cliques and the damaging effects they can have on girls.
The scene which we have decided to re-make is one the phone call scene. In this scene  the four main characters are all talking on their phones to each other. The reason we chose this was because we wanted a challenge. The editing for this scene is very complicated and we because all 3 of us are pretty new to the software final cut pro we wanted to develop our skills and knowledge of the programme and hopefully complete a great final piece.


Myself, Magda and Sophie have decided to play the 3/4 of the characters because we knew we only had 3 weeks to film and edit this complicated scene and we wanted people we could 100% rely on. I also asked my good friend Harriet who had experience in the expressive arts to play the final character.

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Harriet played South african New girl; Cady Heron

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Sophie Acted as Head of the plastics/ Queen Bee ;Regina George

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I played the spoilt, gossip queen; Gretchen Wieners

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And Magda Acted as dumb blonde; Karen Smith.

The Scene we chose to re-create is set in all of the girls houses, I asked permission from my Mumma and she said it was okay for us to film at our house. We were unable to film at sophie’s house due to it being quite far away and the travel was quite pricey, in addition, we were not allowed to film at Magdas because we needed 3 Girls Bedrooms and she did not have this. We will be using three bedrooms in my house belonging to me, my mum and my sister. We will also be filming in my kitchen and bathroom. It was hard to re-create the Scene perfectly due to the fact I don’t have all the beams, doors and windows in the exact place of the setting of the Scene, however we tried our hardest to disguise this.

For equipment Magda and Sophie both volunteered to use their cameras as it meant we could be more flexible with our time, and also their cameras are at a better quality than the samsungs in the Lrc at our college.

For our costumes we tired to match what they were wearing in the scene. This proved  a little difficult, Mean girls came out in the naughties (2004) and obviously we’ve grown up and fashion has moved on so the fashion in the movie is much different to what the average 2015 teenage girl would wear. We focused more on the matching of colour. The outfits we chose worked well and I was happy with the outcome.

All About The Director – Mark Waters


Mark Waters born June 30, 1964 is an American Film Director, Writer and Producer. Waters is perhaps best known for directing award winning films Freaky Friday and Mean Girls. Waters is married to American Actress Dina Spybey- Waters with whom he has two daughters, Zoe and Alex.

06/12/2011 - Mark Waters - "Mr. Popper's Penguins" Los Angeles Premiere - Arrivals - Grauman's Chinese Theatre - Hollywood, CA, USA - Keywords:  Orientation: Portrait Face Count: 1 - False - Photo Credit: Koi Sojer / PR Photos - Contact (1-866-551-7827) - Portrait Face Count: 1

Waters is the brother of writer/director Daniel Waters. He was born in South Bend, Indiana. He worked as an actor and theater director in San Francisco after graduating from the University of Pennsylvania in 1986. After a number of years on stage, he decided to return to school and work towards his M.F.A. in directing.

In 1994 he accomplished this from the American Film Institute, and three years later made his directorial debut with The House of Yes, starring Freddie Prinze Jr. and Parker Posey. The film received various award nominations from festivals and won Special Recognition at Sundance for Posey’s performance.

Waters started off the new millennium with his second directorial attempt, Head Over Heels‘, again starring Freddie Prinze Jr. He made his first foray into television with the TV movie  (2002) starring Jason Priestly and Mariel Hemingway. Waters returned to the big screen with the remake of the Disney flick Freaky Friday (2003) starring Jamie Lee- Curtis and Lindsay Lohan. The film was a box office success.

Next, Waters again worked with Lohan, this time in ‘Mean Girls‘ (2004). It was a big hit at the box office, as was his next film, the adult comedy ‘Just Like Heaven‘ starring Reese Witherspoon.

Since then, he’s filmed The Spiderwick Chronicles, starring another child star, Freddie Highmore, and the comedies Ghosts Of Girlfriends Past (2009) starring Matthew McConaughey and Mr. Popper’s Penguins, starring Jim Carrey.

In 2008, Waters was awarded the Franklin J. Schaffner Award by the American Film Institute.

Specialties: Film/video Directing, Cinematography, DP, Editing, Grading, Photography

Creep Final Analysis

We’ve finished Creep!!

After the filming and editing deadline was over and we’d finally finished Creep I think mollyevery member of our group can agree that we weren’t happy with the final production. Everything that could have gone wrong, indeed went wrong during the week task.

  • Our main actor didn’t perform to holmlmlmw we were visualising the character.
  • The actor who was meant to be playing the boy in the film, Didn’t show up for the next day of filming so we had to find a last-minute replacement, which meant the actor suddenly grew 1ft taller and grew a lot of facial hair over one night.
  • The class room we had originally filmed in was double booked which meant we had to find a whole new setting. fred

This meant the whole aspect of ‘continuous filming’ did not go to plan, seeing as the setting had changed, the actor had changed and all 3 costumes had changed

To make things worse we had also filmed camera equipment in one of the clips, oh and did I mention we had also filmed the script using a close up on the title ‘Scenes To Do‘. lmao

I think overall, the idea was there and although the storyline may have been seen as very controversial, if we had pulled off what we were visualising we would have had a fantastic final piece of work, however due to these faults i’ve listed, the experience has been a learning curve that next time, we would take more time into explaining to the actors what we really wanted, and also got 100% confirmation that the actors would come into college the days we were filming and also wore or brought in the clothes they were wearing the day before.


 Shauna 🙂 x