Second Task Analysis

Means girls Dvd Cover

Second Task Analysis

After 3 weeks of hard work we have finally finished our remake of the Mean Girls phone call scene. Here is my analysis of the original scene.

Scene Location and use of colour

The settings of the 4 girls include 3 bedrooms, an en suite bathroom and a kitchen. The 3 bedrooms have been specifically decorated to suit the personality/characteristics of the girls characters. Cady’s bedroom is full of warm tones such as brown, and quite bare. Its full of photos and drawings. This shows her love of travelling and pride in being from south Africa. The color brown has connotations such as heat, down-to-earth , a comfortable home and loyal companionship. It is a color of physical comfort, simplicity and quality which I think represents Cady’s personality and nhhhfamily life well. Cady-House

Gretchen bedroom is purple. Purple combines the stability of blue and the energy of red. Purple is associated with royalty. It symbolizes power, nobility, luxury, and ambition. It conveys wealth and extravagance.ujkujty


Dark Purple evokes gloom and sad feelings. It can cause frustration. Gretchen is the best friend that is being replaced and therefore has a lot of frustration.
The colour purple has been chosen to show Gretchen’s power of popularity, and wealth.


Karen smith is a dumb blonde. They frgtuhuolhave chosen pale green for her bedroom. This
is the colour of balance and harmony. Green is also the colour of growth, the colour of spring, of renewal and rebirth. Green is an emotionally positive colour, giving us the ability to love and nurture ourselves and others unconditionally. Karen is a mentally simple girl, who although referred to as a ‘slut’ many times, has a lot of children characteristics. Her Bed is full of Stuffed animals and her wall is full of drawings of birds. This shows her young at heart character.

Camera Angles

The camera angles they have chosen consist mainly of mid shots and close ups. This is because they want to focus mainly on the facial expressions of the characters and the way a line is delivered through movement, for example the rolling of Karens eyes when Gretchen is speaking to her, and the way Cady lies on her bed when explaining to Gretchen that regina is not mad at her.


The lighting for the scene is very warm toned. The lighting is important because the props and facial features need to be clear and visual for the viewers to clearly understand the concept of what is happening. The 4 settings are lit using artificial lighting due to the time of day being early evening.


The scene uses a variety of two, three and four way split screens. When someone leaves they always leave to their side of the screen. This is to show everyones reactions to the topic they are talking about.


At the start of the scene the sound is all diegetic. This means all sound can be heard by the characters on screen, this involves sounds such as speech. Half way through the scene non diegetic sound begins to play. This is a xylophone dramatic sound which has been used so it doesn’t distract the viewers from the overall conversation but also adds tension so that the viewers know this isn’t a happy/friendly conversation, but a dramatic, key part of the film.


The use of props in the scene are used to show how the characters are feeling. for example, Regina is eating doughnuts and bread. Regina, being a size 0 ‘perfect figured’   queen bee, to be shown binge eating doughnuts and bread show she is under a lot of stress. The only other key props used in the rest of the scene is the teddy bears in Karens room, and of course, the phone is all the characters hand to show that they are all on a joint phone call. Karen holding the teddy bear when on the phone to the other girls, shows her venerability and childlike characteristics. It also show the audience her brain is slightly simple/ under developed.

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