The Day I Died Music Video




Im really happy with the final product. It was hard to film this video because you had to get the lighting right for each day, and due to actors having other social plans I had to work around there plans and at the same time make sure I had full continuality throughout the video. The locations were easy to find and easy to get too and everyone who starred in it, acted to exactly what I pictured the video to be like. If I were to film this video again, Id make sure I filmed more footage of random clips because the chorous of the song, id say was a bit boring. Overall i’m really proud of this video and really happy with how it all went.

3 media job paths I might follow


Television floor manager:Job description

Television floor manager


Television floor managers make sure that sets, props and technical equipment are safe, ready to use and in the right position prior to filming.

They have a liaising and coordinating role, acting as the link between the director and the many people involved in a production on the studio floor.

It is the floor manager’s responsibility to pass on cues to presenters and guests to ensure timings are met and the broadcast goes smoothly.

They make sure that events go according to a set plan and that people taking part know their particular roles and how it fits in with whatever else is happening.

The work is mainly studio-based, but may also include outside broadcasts, depending on the production.

Typical work activities

Duties carried out by a television floor manager include:

  • checking that equipment, e.g. microphones and earpieces, are working before the show;
  • seating the audience (if in attendance);
  • referring to floor plans;
  • assisting guests on the show;
  • relaying instructions from the control room to the studio floor using a talkback system;
  • keeping the director and producer informed of action off-camera;
  • assisting in the planning and preparation of productions;
  • overseeing the work of other departments, such as sound, lighting and props;
  • rehearsing live shows;
  • giving cues and time counts to presenters, actors or guests;
  • organising runners to make the best use of studio time;
  • looking ahead in the programme schedule to anticipate any changes to the set, or to see what props are required later in the show;
  • briefing and looking after those involved in the programme;
  • managing the audience, e.g. explaining safety requirements, show timings and what will happen during filming and when the programme will be aired;
  • dealing with any technical problems;
  • controlling the studio and halting production if necessary;
  • liaising with public relations staff to agree who will be interviewed, for example at sports matches;
  • passing information and progress reports from live events to studio presenters;
  • adhering to health and safety regulations, e.g. keeping ‘safe areas’ and fire exits clear of equipment.

Media planner:Job description

Media planners identify which media platforms would best advertise a client’s brand or product. They work within advertising agencies or media planning and buying agencies. They enable their clients to maximise the impact of their advertising campaigns through the use of a range of media.

Media planners combine creative thinking with factual analysis to develop appropriate strategies to ensure that campaigns reach their target audiences as effectively as possible. They apply knowledge of media and communication platforms to identify the most appropriate mediums for building awareness of a client’s brand.

Media planners work with:

  • press;
  • television;
  • radio;
  • new media, in particular the internet.

Other more unusual platforms include promotion on the sides of buses and taxis.

Some agencies may combine the role of planner with the role of media buyer. Media planners may also be known ascommunications planners, brand planners or strategists.

Typical work activities

Media planners usually work on several projects at the same time, often for a number of different clients. Duties generally fall into two main areas, with levels of client contact increasing with seniority:


  • working with the client and the account team to understand the client’s business objectives and advertising strategy;
  • liaising with the creative agency team, clients and consumers to develop media strategies and campaigns;
  • making decisions on the best form of media for specific clients and campaigns;
  • undertaking research and analysing data using specialist industry resources;
  • identifying target audiences and analysing their characteristics, behaviour and media habits;
  • presenting proposals, including cost schedules, to clients.


  • recommending the most appropriate types of media to use, as well as the most effective time spans and locations;
  • working with colleagues, other departments and media buyers either in-house or in a specialist agency;
  • making and maintaining good contacts with media owners, such as newspapers, magazines and websites;
  • managing client relationships to build respect and trust in your judgement;
  • proofreading advertisement content before release;
  • maintaining detailed records;
  • evaluating the effectiveness of campaigns in order to inform future campaigns.

Radio Presenter

A radio presenter hosts and broadcasts music or talk shows on a variety of media.

The job of a radio presenter is to host shows on radio or the internet which revolve mainly around music, conversation, interviews and stories. A radio presenter is the introductory voice of the broadcast and also keeps the show flowing in order to entertain an audience. The job activities can range from interviewing, introducing, reading news and sport, informing the listeners about the weather or creating and controlling conversation.

Radio presenters work mainly in a studio, but the exact environment may vary. Some presenters work for national radio stations meaning large commercial studios, whereas presenters who work for local radio stations, university radios, hospital radios etc, usually work out of small basic recording studios. Radio studios are small rooms filled with sound recording technology and equipment and are usually run by a sound team who will work alongside the presenter.

Hours vary depending on the airing of a radio presenter’s show. ‘Airtime slots’ are typically around 3 hours but this can be anywhere on a 24 hour schedule depending on the popularity, genre of show, and the type of radio broadcast.


Salaries are extremely varied when it comes to radio presenting. Earnings are dependent on a whole host of factors, including experience, the type of radio station, the popularity of the show, and the radio medium. For example, radio stations online which are less popular will pay their presenters far less than national mainstream radio stations on ‘fm’ frequencies.

Experience is a key factor for radio presenters looking to increase their salary. Employability for more mainstream, well paid radio slots comes with having presented a vast number of shows, preferably varying in style. This gives a chance to showcase a portfolio of work to potential employers. Large mainstream radio companies, such as BBC Radio 1, pay anything between £100,000 and £600,000 a year to their radio presenters. Less experienced radio presenters on less well-known stations can earn as little as £14,000 a year.

Many radio presenters work on a freelance basis and therefore income is calculated per show executed.


Due to the fact most of the videos I have created were from when I was much younger/ are terrible quality I have decided to use a variety of behind scenes, and some shots of not so good videos I have made, whether it was for a serious project for college, a bit of fun with friends/ family, or for youtube. I thought this was a good idea because It can show future employees me and my personality and videos I have worked on/ filmed so they’re not only seeing I have experience with making films, but are also getting an insight to a bit about me as a person and my personality which would hopefully give a positive push into them selecting me to be employed.

Media CV

Name- Shauna Church

DOB- 16/12/97

Address- Alphington, Exeter EX28TN

Future plans- After college I hope to go on to complete a foundation degree in TV and Film. My dream Job would involve working on radio and having my own show, or working on a live tv show, in particular This Morning or a talent show like The X Factor. I’ve always been interested in making movies, and creating photo edits for my family at weddings, christmas and other events. I’m good at thinking of creative ideas and working well in a team and I hope to have a contracted job in the media business.

I’m hard working,  down to earth, kind and believe i can bring fresh and exciting new ideas to a media team. I work well in group projects and i’m not afraid to take lead if needed. I have experience working on ammature adverts, music videos and short films all to which are all filmed on hd cameras and edited to the highest of qualities. I know how to use Final Cut pro and Premier and I have experience both in front and behind a camera, whether it’s acting, directing or producing.

Media Projects I have worked on:

End of year video for West Exe School 2012-13
When I was in my final weeks of school, and just about to finish my gcses, The head of my year, Adam Green asked if I would like the opportunity to film a leaving video, that asked teachers and students funny questions, and also allowed Year 11 Tutors to leave messages behind for their tutor groups. I thoroughly enjoyed filming this video. I filmed, directed and edited this video all by myself.

The Walking Ted- 2014 ( Exeter college tv and film with caroline and lee)
Last year Me, Abigail Humphries, Will Moses and Joshua Devadas Planned and filmed a movie called ‘ The Walking Ted’ Which showed the story of a girl finding an old bear in a creepy old house, taking it home, and the bear following her around, tormenting her and proving to be indestructible. We wanted to make a short film on the basis of a psychological thriller and I believe the overall project was a huge success. I did all paperwork for this project, and also helped out with editing.

I have made videos for youtube such as ‘ The 7 second challenge, and The Weird Questions Tag’ and i’m also taking part in Vlogmas 2015 which involves me filming everyday my daily errands towards christmas, and then editing and uploading the footage every night. I film/ direct and edit these videos all by myself.

Mean Girls scene remake 2015- unit 2 project. We were told to chose a director, and a famous movie scene we would like to re-create. We chose Mean Girls because it was a personal favourite of the group. We decided upon the phone call scene because we thought it would be challenging. It went really really well and I thoroughly enjoyed filming it. I acted in this video, and was also producer.

Wedding Video 2016- In 2016 a couple who live locally to me asked me if I would edit there footage from there wedding into a romantic document of the day. I found this a challenge because I didn’t film the footage and it was terrible quality however they were really pleased with the outcome. This was a paid job.

Alphington pantomime 2016- In 2016 I was asked if I would be able to film and edit my local pantomime so that the cast could watch it all back. I really enjoyed this experience and through this I realised that my dream career would be editing.

UK Nails Corporate Video – In 2016 Myself and Magda Gaik made a corporate video for local business UK nails. This was not a paid job but however we were given free treatments so that we could film they’re advert. This was a great experience because it meant we had to work with a real client and listen and create everything they wanted for the film instead of going creative and imaginative. They were really pleased with the outcome and have used our video on their Facebook page.




I haven’t made that many videos but however I do have experience behind and infront of a camera and I hope to add more to the list.




 Story board not needed due to stage directions and shots being written in formal written proposal.

“The Day I Died”

Drag myself from my bed
Around twenty past six
Get my kids up, make breakfast
One egg, two toast, three WeetabixAnd as I sit down I look up
And you’re standing in the doorway, sun at your back
In my old brown dressing gown
Well, no one can love you more than I love you now

But I gotta go, running for the bus
Coat flying and I try not to miss it this time
But the drivers waiting and that’s strange
Kids on the top deck, quiet for a change

And there’s no rain and no roadworks
In the bus lane and all my hurts run away
And I’m smiling as I’m punching in

The day I died was the best day of my life
The day I died was the best day of my life
Tell my friends and my kids and my wife
Everything will be alright
The day I died was the best day of my life

The secretaries they got a smile for me
And the in tray on my desks almost empty
I get a memo from executive Joe
Saying Rob the gob is getting kicked out
For embezzling funds from the company account

And I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t chuffed
‘Cause I always hated Rob
And now they’ll probably offer me Robs old job

And in the park at lunch
There’s no whinos on my favorite bench
None of that drunk chatter, none of that pissy stench
And the scrawny little pigeons with the gammy legs
Decide to dive bomb from someone else’s sandwich instead

And there’s something about the city today
Like all the colors conspire to overwhelm the gray
And this close to the fire I can feel no cold
But a rainbow halo around my soul

The day I died was the best day of my life
The day I died was the best day of my life
Tell my friends and my kids and my wife
Everything will be alright
The day I died was the best day of my life

So I leave work, get to the high street and I miss my bus
Should I wait for another? No I can’t be arsed, I begin to walk
And rush hour crowd seem to part like the red sea
And I’m stopping at the offy

Twenty cigarettes and a six pack to relax me
And as I cross back over the street
I guess I never saw that taxi

The day I died was the best day of my life
The day I died was the best day of my life
Tell my friends and my kids and my wife
Everything will be alright
The day I died was the best day of my life

Formal Written Proposal

The music video will start off by showing a family man waking up at precisely 06:26 ( around 20 past 6 is quoted in the lyrics) and getting up for work. Ill show this by filming a close up shot of his face awakening, a close up of him checking the time on his phone, and the rush of getting ready for work.

He then proceeds to walk downstairs in order to have breakfast, wake up his kids ( I don’t have any child actors so instead i’ll reference this by showing him stepping on one of the children’s toys left on the floor showing they’re an ordinary family with a slightly messy house)

For the breakfast scene I wanted to film a lot of heavily zoomed/ focused shots on kitchen appliances instead of filming him doing the actions mentioned in the lyrics. For example when he goes to make breakfast instead of showing him performing the actions ( making toast, frying eggs etc) I focused on the objects themselves. I want to do quick shots of the foods he mentions because I think not only will it look effective but will however intrigue and excite the target audience.

We then are introduced to his wife, which will be done by showing a close up shot of her smiling, I chose to do close up due to the fact in the lyrics it says she is wearing an ‘old brown dressing gown’ and I couldn’t get hold of one in time so I decided to focus on the facial expressions instead to show affection from the wife to the husband.

This follows on to show him running out the door, now dressed for work, worrying he’s going to be late for work, to then realise the bus driver is waiting for him. I’ll film this as an established shot because I want the audience to take recognition of the setting, the bus and to also show the motion of him running. I’ll then show him miming the lyrics whilst sat on the bus on his way to work.

The second verse tells the story of him arriving at work and his day getting better.  I’ll show him walking into the building ( college) and I’ll show him walking into his office, whilst a secretary smiles and mimes ‘ good morning’ this is to represent the lyrics ‘ secretary’s they’ve got a smile for me’

It will then lead on to show his ‘in tray’ being almost empty, and him picking up a piece of paper, from his manager to tell him the guy he hates at work has been fired. I wanted to break the 4th wall in this music video because I believe it makes the music video humours and gives it a heart warming innocence which Is what I feel when I listen to this type of music. When the lyrics ‘Rob the Gob is getting kicked out …’ I want to show Character A and Rob both walking out of their work place, Rob getting mouthy at A and then walking angry up to the camera and either swearing ( to be blurred out) or shouting at the camera and pushing it out the way. I really liked the idea of this because I thinks its funny and original.

The next scene to film will be filmed at a local park in Alphington where A will have lunch on their ‘Favourite bench’. To start this scene off I want to show an established shot of A walking into the park, walking up to the lamp post and spinning around it to show his joyful mood, I then want to show a character’s view shot, by filming as if the camera lens is his eye, and filming him walking up to the bench sitting down and looking at the landscape in front of him. This scene mainly involves him eating his sandwiches, a close up of him reading a note in his lunch from his wife saying i love you, and also him dancing around on and around the bench to make the video funny and show it really is ‘The best day’ of his life.

The next chorus will involve shots of him miming the words, him walking back to work, walking happily down the street, and close ups of him smiling, and landscape shots.

The final scene will be the scene of his death, I want to show two established shots, one of him walking past the camera late at night, and one established tracking shot of him missing the bus and getting frustrated. I will then film him walking into a shop , stopping off for some beers and fags, and then walking back out. I want to show this as a time lapse and put it in fast motion. Ill then do a mid shot of him about to cross the road, a close up of him quickly turning his head, where I will add the sound of a car screeching, and Will then quickly cut to a plain black screen in time with the lyrics’ I guess I never saw that taxi’ to which I will then show him lying on the road with his eyes closed, blood on his head, and to slowly open them with struggle so I can show his life flashing before his eyes, by showing the good moments of the day, and to show some clips in reverse so It appears the whole day is rewinding.

Ill end the whole music video by doing a close up shot of A slowly closing his eyes, and a Person in a UV Vest knocking on the door of his home.

Overall I’m trying to achieve a Heartwarming Video, that connects with the target audience and delivers the message that you should always remember to tell loved ones, that you love them. I wanted to include humour because I believe the songs title sounds dark, when Just Jack was trying to deliver a sad but lovely story about how he has a great day and didn’t take anything for granted such as good weather, family time and quiet transport.