Dinosaur roar task.


we decided to add a background story to the dinosaur roar. We chose to base it in a city where it would be at an equilibrium until out of nowhere a dinosaur comes and tries to kill everyone in the village. It results in the dinosaur being killed. To make this sound realistic we used sounds such as traffic, public voices, and random town noises. we slowed down sounds such as snores and footsteps to add tension. to make it sound like a dinosaur roar we used sounds such as bear growl, airplanes, coffee machine and snawl and slowed them all down. I am pleased with the outcome.

Q 5

A passive audience is an audience that merely observes an event rather than actively responding to it. 

An active audience will participate in the performance by laughing, or answering questions. For example, an active audience will give an opinion to a question/topic raised and give input. 

When violent video games are exposed to children under age e.g 10 years old, when the game is rated a 12 this is damaging to the child. Young children develop morals and life skills from birth+ and are hugely dependant on physical learning. When a young child is exposed to virtual murders and crime it can affect them mentally to an extent where they enjoy and find killing others, stealing and assaulting is funny. However a Teenage girl or boy (13+) , I believe is mature enough to not let a virtual video game which allows you to kill etc affect them in such a way that would mean they would later on in life, commit murder and other crimes.

However, In my opinion Video games in general can have a huge negative effect on not only children/teenagers but however at any age. From 2008 + there have been many occasions across the world where people become so dependant on playing virtual video games, (mainly to block out other things going on in their lives) that they have become addicted and have needed psychological help. If a video game can effect someone enough to make them an addict, then surely violent video games can affect a person enough to make them commit a serious crime.

looking into both arguments  I don’t believe it affects teenagers at all. Millions of people play violent video games and are not affected by it, such as myself, there’s only a minority that have been effected and committed a serious crime. Like Joe said in my survey, does everyone who drinks alcohol become an alcoholic, of course not it depends on how the person has been brought up/ has been affected by recent events etc..

But no it doesn’t affect teenagers, it’s deeper issues that causes crime.’


Out of all the types of research I used, I found the most easiest and useful method was Secondary Research. I think using secondary research is much more useful because it means you can find out information quickly and easily, and you know it’s fact ( depending on where you find the information) because somebody has already researched into the subject, found out the facts and published meaning you can find out accurate information.

Although I did find Primary Research was interesting because you get to hear opinions on the matter, and although tests have been carried out to give the question to whether violent video games do have an effect on teenagers and answers have been given; it is still a heavily debatable topic  that many people;especially teenagers and parents, have a strong opinion about.

I had trouble when having to research into qualitative research because I wasn’t 100% sure where to start and what method I could use. Due to companies wanting to make a good impression on the public they chose not to post many controversial statements and opinions online that the public can quote them on. Therefore, because of this I had large difficulty to finding a way to carry out qualitative research.

I wouldn’t like a job as a media researcher, why? because i’m simply not clever enough to do it. I’m a physical learner, I’m much better at creative thinking, editing and manual filming. I’m the type of person who gets bored easily and I enjoy being able to mess around with filters, angles and thinking of exciting, dramatic or humorous ideas to bring to a form of media. Although Researching in media is a well respected and well paid job I just simply wouldn’t excell in it.

Quantitative Research

Whilst searching for Quantitative research online i fell upon these charts which show the link between violent crimes and video games. some of which show video games having an increase of violence and some showing the opposite. However these are all factual and have been data captured and created using fact and are therefore quantitative.

Violent Crime Offenses and Video Game
Sales, 1996-2007


Violent Crime Offenses and Video Game
Sales, 1996-2004








Sales of Video Games Compared to Youth Violence, 1996-2005youthviolencevideogamechart

TV Documentary programme research.

For Primary Research I asked 3 people at variety of ages to make it fair; what they thought about violence in video games and whether it had an effect on teenagers.

I asked my brother ( aged 13) what he thought. he said

‘ I think if you play violent video games, you’re more likely to use you agression and anger physically. Yeah , I think they can affect you but it depends how much you play it, and how old you are.

I asked him because he’s an early teenage boy, who has just started off playing games that involve a small amount of violence.

A family friend, Lisa (42)  had a different view on the matter, she said

‘I believe it’s important to check the video games out yourself before allowing your children to be playing them. I think they can mentally affect you to an extent, however to blame crimes such as murder and theft on a video game isn’t right. Video games do not change or alter your morals.

I asked Lisa because she is a single mother of a 13 year old boy, which I think is important because it shows the matter from a different point of view and shows it from a nurturing side instead of a boy who clearly enjoys playing the games.

I then asked Joe Rees (18) what his opinion was, he said ‘

I don’t believe it affects teenagers at all. Millions of people play violent video games and are not affected by it, such as myself, there’s only a minority, it’s like will everyone who drinks alcohol become an alcoholic, of course not it depends on how the person has been brought up/ has been affected by recent events etc..
But no it doesn’t affect teenagers, it’s deeper issues’
I asked Joe because he’s a young adult and a frequent video game player, so I knew he’d have a strong opinion whether it was for or against.
For Secondary Research I found some websites with articles on the subject.


Different Types of Research

Primary research (field research) involves gathering new data that has not been collected before. For example, surveys using questionnaires or interviews with groups of people in a focus group.

Secondary research (desk research) involves gathering existing data that has already been produced. For example, researching the internet, newspapers and company reports.

Factual information is called quantitative data. This is when the data captured cannot be argued against.

Information collected about opinions and views is called qualitative data. This is when the data captured is not right or wrong, and is simply an opinion.