I want my entire mockumentary to be based on wit and old fashioned slapstick comedy because I think it’s a classic way to express comedy. I believe slapstick humour is slowly making a comeback especially with shows such as miranda and outnumbered. I’m taking inspiration from summer heights high characters such as Mr G and  Ja’mie and also taking personality inspiration from previous X factor contestant Rylan Clarke. I’ll do this by making my main character very camp, feminine and also a complete drama queen which I believe these 3 personas have.

I want this character to be original and although i’m taking inspiration from other famous personas, By taking little bits of each of them i’m making a whole new original character with lots of my own ideas to add and therefore make him loved and treasured by the public.

For filming I knew most of my film will include handheld camera work. This is because my project is a fly on the wall style mockumentary therefore in order to make the viewers believe it’s not set up and i’m filming as it’s happening I will use hand held filming so they feel like they’re included in the story.

I was worried about using this technique because  It won’t show off the skills that I have learnt from other projects however this technique is actually very difficult to do because all sound is included, and if you mess up, your hand slips or you cut off part of the frame you wanted in, you have to film again therefore i’ve invested in a 64gb memory card because I know filming this mockumentary will be much harder than it looks on paper. I know and i’m ready for the amount of retakes I will be having to do. I’m also including 6 different locations, two of which I have to get permission to use. This is a very big project and i’m really hoping and and striving to pull it off and create a great piece of work.