
We will be creating a corporate video for Uk Nails. For our corporate video we had the idea to make the salon appear relaxing and bright and show the range of treatments that they have to offer. We want to include the new mirror nails which they have been now doing for around 3 weeks in order to advertise the new nail effect and reach out to more customers.

Other ideas we have for the video are to show how the staff engage with the customers and also how pleasant the overall atmosphere of the salon is. The Staff at Uk Nails have a lot of different certificates which we also wanted to include because it shows their experienced. Uk Nails agreed to let Myself and Magda chose the background music. We will find some calm relaxing royalty free music to add to the video and also include a voiceover to describe some of the treatments whilst they are being shown. We will also include a wide variety of of different shots so the video isn’t boring to watch, this is also involves only making the video 2 mins long because we know the average person will switch off if the video is any longer. We will use a large variety of camera angles to make it exciting. We also want to add in a panning wide shot of the salon to make it appear bigger than it really is so customers are more attracted. After doing research into nail bar costumers we found out  that the general women tends to pick and stick with a nail salon/ beauty bar because they know what the salon offers is what they wish for, Therefore by showing on film the treatments taking place they can see the professional finish of the treatment and decide if they would like to visit and pay this salon. We want to show that this is a professional and popular salon and that customers are in good hands (pardon the pun)


Filming and beginning to edit!

Myself and Magda have finished filming everything that we wanted and needed to create the corporate video for our client. We met at 9am on tuesday morning and booked out some equipment. For filming we have used Magdas which is a Cannon 700D and it has worked really well for filming this video. It took us around 5 hours of filming to get all the footage we needed. It mostly took this long because all the treatments that were being shown took around 40 minutes to be done and then we also needed to film some shots of the salon. On the next day we started editing all the footage we had and it has turned out pretty well however we still have some more editing to do and we might finish it all soon. All we need to do is add a voiceover, text and some music. We also need to work with some colour grading to make some of the clips stand out and not look as flat as they do. it will be all done in time ready to be shown to our client.


We have written up a contract that explained everything we need to do for the corporate video. It explained everything we need from our client to make a good video for their company. There was no problem with what we have put on the contract as our client signed everything without any questions or changing anything that was on the contract.  This is the contract that we have written up. image

Change of idea

Due to Sophie being Ill me and Shauna decided to find another client who would be a lot closer to us so it would be easier for us to arrange a date to film.  Our new client is ‘Uk Nails” which is a salon, who offer a lot of different beauty treatments. In our corporate video we want to include 3 or 4 different treatments, show the list of what they have to offer and all the prices. We want to show how welcoming the workers are and how they engage with their clients. Also we want to show the whole salon which is a pretty small but nice place. They have a lot of different certificates and qualifications which are also a good thing to include in the video as it shows their experience. We’re planning to use some calming music and a voiceover to describe some of the treatments that will be shown in the video. Also a lot of different shots so the video isn’t boring to watch, however it’ll be a short video 2 minutes long and people usually focus on things for that short amount of time.

Unit 9

Our first task for our second year of college is to create a corporate video for a chosen company. I have decided for this task I would like to work in a small group. I have chosen to work with Sophie Gollop and Magda Gaik. We researched 3 different clients that we had interest in working for. These 3 clients were Shakeaway Exeter, Lyme Regis Marine Aquarium and UK Nails in Exeter. We researched these 3 companies websites and realised that all 3 didn’t already have corporate videos on their websites.

In order to get an idea of how other companies have made corporate videos for these industries we individually did some research into other corporate videos made for companies similar to those in mind.


I really like the use of exciting music and voiceover in this corporate video. Its welcoming and shows how busy the company is therefore popular. The use of colour is beautiful and looks appealing. They mention the variety of different foods and show that they have a takeaway system, vegetarian options and also sneakily fit in that they do birthday parties. They show the variety in customers ages which will appeal to a large audience. The only criticisms I would have would be that the staff need to smile more in order to show a more fun atmosphere in the cafe and also I would have played with the colours a bit more to really make the food and milkshakes look eye catching.



I love that this was filmed to such a professional standard. The shots are beautiful and I love how they got to film inside the tank as well as out. The musics exciting and fun which reflects on the video. I think the video really appeals at families. They show the restaurant part of the aquarium too which is a huge selling point. If i were to critique I would say that some of the shots were cut too quickly in order to take in what was happening. Other than that I loved it. The exciting camera shots were enough to sell the attraction and it didn’t need any text or voiceover to sell.

The background music is clearly trying to attract a younger audience. The video is very simple and in my opinion appalling. The use of blurry google photos which a muffled voiceover is not something I would chose to do. It is clear that the owners of the company have made this video by themselves. They have included photos of happy customers and included photos of treatments being done and massage rooms. The colour code is a bit crazy and random which shoes they haven’t put much thought into how professional it looks. I think it was a good idea to include products they sell and mentioning that they have products for both women and men. They include the number and website at the end for any inquiries which I think is a must have when creating any advert or corporate video. Although they way this video has been put together is extremely amature, They have included a great amount of information which I think is important in order to sell products and increase foot fall.

This is our rough schedule for our corporate video task.


Week one: Research corporate videos and find clients.

Week 2: Have a meeting which our clients and in that meeting discuss ideas. Complete our pre production paperwork.

Week 3: Film the video. Begin to Edit.

Week 4: Edit the video until perfect

Week 5: Show video to the client. Screen and present the final video.

Hopefully we will follow this schedule and our final product will be successful and how the client wants it to be.