
I found this unit very challenging compared to previous units I have worked on. I saw this as a good thing because it meant that I would be challenged and have to work very hard due to the fact I will be creating a professional video for a client and couldn’t just edit it however I wanted. It meant I had to listen to everything the clients wanted and create this. I decided for this unit it would be a much more successful video if I worked in a pair, therefore decided to pair up with Magdalena Gaik. After a long discussion we decided our client should be the ‘UK Nails’ nail bar. So as soon as we decided on who we want to work with, we went and asked them if they’d like a corporate video as before that we have researched and looked through their website and didn’t see one. The Manager was really happy with our proposition and told us to come and film on a Tuesday which was about 4 days after which meant that we didn’t have enough time to do all of our pre production work. Once we had been given a date to film we created a contract which we printed out and gave it to our client to sign and agree to being allowed to film on the premises on Tuesday and also have free choice to chose the background music and also include some free of charge treatments in order to let us film them being done to feature on their corporate video. The following day  we focused on creating the storyboard, which we enjoyed doing as it made us think about all the different camera shots and angles we can use to make the video good, when we finished that we presented it to our client and they really liked our idea and also gave us some ideas of theirs and we combined them all together which made it better than it already was.

When creating and planning for this video we found we didn’t need all the pre-production work. This was because we had created the storyboard so we knew exactly what we were filming and we had permission from the managers by contract to film, and the only other actors involved would be myself and Magdalena so we decided to not fill out all of usually needed pre-production work. I don’t think that we needed to do more as it probably wouldn’t improve how the final video has turned out as it would have only been a risk assessment which in a real job would be really important however not to improve the video but only so there is one in case of emergency.

In my opinion the final product meets the target audience spot on. The target audience for this film would be females from around the ages 16-19. I believe we met our audience because our film shows a lot of different females (17 year old and above)  getting the treatments done. The video also shows the friendly atmosphere and good vibes inside the salon. The film is colourful and bright which makes the salon and the treatments look very attractive and therefore entice viewers into going to UK Nails.

The managers loved the finished video. They thought it was bright and fun and had no problems with it at all. They said it looked really professional and would love for it to be featured on their Facebook page straight away.

Overall, I’m really really pleased on how the video was planned and created, and even though we didn’t finish all of the pre-production work; the film was everything i wanted it to be and i’m really proud to say I made it.