History of a tv slot

My chosen Tv slot is between 9pm on Friday As you can see from the screenshots, at that time they usually play entertainment programmes like ‘casualty’ and ‘ frank Sinatra my way’. This is because the target audience these two shows are aiming at are women around 30+. I believe this due to the explicit makeup and injury shots and because frank Sinatra was / is a much older generation singer therefore mothers and woman around the age of 30 would be most likely to tune in and watch these programmes. The target audience is in front of the tv at this time of the day as its the end of the week which usually means chilling on the sofa watching tv with a small glass of wine., therefore the most popular programmes are on to get the most views.

Audience Profiling for Live TV Show

For our Live television show we have chosen to air our programme on ITV2 at 9oclock on a friday. We chose this because our target audience for the show is 16+ year old girls and due to the adult humour we decided it would be best to go live at this time because the audience will be chilling in the living room after a long day at school/college/work and therefore it would be the best time to reach them. When talking demographics we think we would be aiming at main streamers due to the shows content involving ordinary public people and also a lot of internet clips and videos. Our audience will be C- E profiles meaning we are aiming at middle class normal working families to students and lower class. We also decided ITV2 would be the best channel to air our show on due to the fact there are already similar shows being aired such as celebrity juice and virtually famous and also because it would mean that our show is easily accessible online meaning a higher view rate.


During my UCAS application I decided it would be helpful to check out all opportunities that I would be able to go into after I finish my college course.

The first opportunity I looked into was applying for an apprenticeship

Here is one particular one I looked into:



although this is an amazing opportunity and would help me gain enough experience to ease my way into the television industry I don’t believe this would be the right career jump for me. Although with an apprenticeships you learn and experience whilst still feeling like its a full time job, I believe that I would benefit a lot more in life and had a lot more open doors in the future if I gain a qualification / a degree and go to university.

Although these are both amazing opportunities I decided that in order to excell to the best of my ability and also grow as a person that I would not prefer to study at university and have the experience of moving away and taking charge of my future.

Furthermore I looked into a media production company in bristol called hurricane media.

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In order to gain a work experience placement I would have to email this company asking to see if they allow postgraduate college students to have a work placement with their company. The email would look like this.

I don’t think I will chose this career opportunity either.

I have my heart set on studying at bath spa university. And although this would be an amazing opportunity and will make my cv stand out businesses, I would like to have a higher qualification and spend all my free time working hard on a degree that using my time to gain more experience with a real media company.

I have now sent off my application and im waiting to hear back from my choices.


I got an condtional offer from my first choice Bath Spa University.


My Offer got updated to a unconditional offer. This was my first choice therefore I delcined my other offers.


I now have a confirmed place at Bath Spa University and I will be aiming for a distinction this year.



I found when going through the progression breif that I knew from the start that my choice would be to go to university. This is because not only was it the easiest choice for me, however I knew that the next step in my education would be to study for a degree. Although I know and respect that an apprenticeship and work experience can be just as valuable I knew that in order to feel fulfilled with my education I would love to have a BA at the end of my name. Shauna Rebecca Church BA. University is a big step and a huge decision and when deciding I primarily filtered my searches to location. The location of my university is very important to me because I would want to feel safe and be able to travel easily from home. I also wanted to find the perfect course for me that not only is fun and enjoyable but however challenges my academic abilities. I found when searching for the perfect course it was hard to find a course which included both of these. The two main universities I had my heart set on were Bristol UWE and Bath Spa University.  These two cities would be perfect because Accommodation is great, Its easy to get to there and back, Its a lovely location and very similar to where I live now; Exeter. It also has a wide range of shops and great nightlife which although may not be seen as important as the Universities, It still would be very important to me because It will add to my overall university experience . I decided that work experience was not the right option for me because although it would be a great opportunity for me I personally wouldn’t feel ready to go straight into work. I don’t feel like my education is ready to be over and that I have so much more to learn before I go and try to get into the media industry. This was also a similar process when looking into apprenticeships and courses with the college I am with now. Although I would be earning money from an apprenticeship I would not feel fulfilled with my education if i went straight into work and despite the fact I will be learning and being trained as I went along I had heard so many positive reviews about the university experience and I was adamant that this would be the choice I picked. After receiving two interviews from two of my choices falmouth university and Bournemouth university I was very pleased with the progression process. However shortly after I received an offer from Bath Spa University which was my firm choice ( in my heart) so I was very excited. Shortly after this I received another email saying that If i made this my firm choice I would get an automatic unconditional offer therefore I would defiantly be going. This was great for me because this was my first choice. I had an interview at bristol UWE however this was unsuccessful much to my disadvantage. I was a bit disappointed with this rejection because my It meant I would not be with close friends or my boyfriend at uni however I know that you can’t decide on a university because you want to be with your friends therefore I think going to Bath Spa University would overall be a extremely good thing. I am very happy with the overall outcome of my progression and I am very nervous but excited to start my university course in September.