Presentation1– My Ted Talk Presentation

ted talks script– Ted Talks Script

Name of source– Ted Talks Source Table

Genre is the style of different media products. Its used as a sales tool as everyone has a different taste in films etc and it categorises them into different groups like horror, thriller, comedy, romance which informs people about what kind of things they should expect from the film, for example in horror they look for excitement and fear, which is usually presented by linking sex with death.

Representation is a description or portrayal of something or someone in a particular way. In media it is often picked which means that we are only hearing what we want to hear and media texts are usually not ‘real’ or they are edited. The reality isn’t presented, its re-presented which means someone selects and constructs media texts for political and cultural reasons.

Example :  Men in video games are represented as heroic and powerful however girls are represented as less important and sexy,  seen as objects.

The male gaze theory – Laura Mulvey : In films the male gaze occurs when the audience is put into the perspective of a heterosexual man. A scene may focus on the curves of a woman’s body, putting you the viewer in the eyes of a male. However it is only the male gaze theory if these curves are highlighted with specific conventions such as slow motion, deliberate camera movements or cutaways. The theory suggests that the male gaze denies woman human identity and presents them as objects to be admired for physical appearance. The theory also suggests that woman can more often if not only watch a film from a secondary perspective which is a males perspective. Often in films the female has no real importance herself, its only about how she makes the male feel or act and thats the importance. The male gaze leads to HEGEMONIC IDEOLOGIES within our society.

Hegemonic means ruling or dominant in a political or social context. Mulvey argues that as women in media are presented from a males perspective females start viewing and objectifying themselves but also other women as a male would.

She also states that the role of a female in a narrative has two functions

1)As an erotic object for the character within the narrative to view

2)As an erotic object for the spectators within the cinema to view

Narrative explores the way you tell a story

Audience– people that consume (watch/play) different media texts.

A target audience is the intended audience or readership of a publication, advertisement, or other message. In marketing and advertising, it is a particular group of consumers within the predetermined target market, identified as the targets or recipients for a particular advertisement or message.

These days the audience don’t usually pay for viewing anything which means the films are usually ‘stolen’ from websites that give you the opportunity to download free movies.

Desensitisation-vs-Catharsis: The ultimate aim of the ancient Greek tragedy was to effect catharsis or emotional transformation. That is more generally the ethical function of literature: confronted with the change of destiny of the characters of a drama or a novel, the reader is forced to question fixed opinions, thus enlarging his or her moral horizon.

Desensitisation is the opposite of catharsis. It is the term used to describe the numbing of emotions that results from the repeated viewing (or experience) of something horrible. The modern media, and especially war reporting, have often been criticized for having precisely this effect: when presented the same bad news repeatedly and in the language or image of hyperbole we become insensitive and no longer want to care.

Technology-(in digital media)


Production, Distribution, Exhibition- Explores issues that come up at different stages of making and releasing a media product.

production- Budget, technology used, issues about where and how it was made.

distribution- How did it get to audience. who payed for it to get audience?

Exhibition- Where and how was the text consumed? cinema/online/Tv?

Explores Marketing and Promotion-

Promotion refers to raising customer awareness of a product or brand, generating sales, and creating brand loyalty. It is one of the four basic elements of the market mix, which includes the four P’s: price, product, promotion, and place.

How was the text advertised?

How did audience find out about it?

How successful was the promotion?

Was there any controversy?

Abstract –

For my Ted Talks I chose to look into the questions that is : Does Reality Television have a positive or negative impact on british society. I chose this because I am a huge fan of reality television espcially with shows such as the only way is essex, made in chelsea and keeping up with the kardashaians. The shows are left on cliff hangers each week and full of drama and lavish lifestyles which attracts an audience and leaves you wanting to see more. I chose to look into this topic because I beleive reality televison is taking over all channels and slowly becoming the dominant style of programme. Its addictive and people can become obsessed over it. There has been many different interviews on breakfast shows showing someone who wants to surgery and spend hundreds of pounds in order to live and look like they’re favourite reality star. This is can lead to emotional and physical problems and I want to look into this because it really intrests me. I think reality television makes you think that you have to act and dress in a certain way to look ‘perfect’ and to have a ‘perfect’ lifestyle. Being a guilty viewer of reality tv I really want to look into what it is that is so speical about it and how it came about. I also want to look into how it can make positive changes to peoples lives. I want to look into such such as how clean it your house, and gameshows such as britians got talent and see if these shows have a positive or negative effect on the public. Is it postive becacuse its inspiring people to showcase their talents and make a healthy change to their lifestyle or is it negative because it enables people to make judgement and laugh at the state of peoples homes and also take the mick out of people who think they can sing/ dance and may be slightly dilusional. I will make my powerpoint fun and engaging and include videos to back up my opinoins. I want to look into the term ‘shaedenfreude’ because I have heard this term before and I think it fits with my topic of reality television having a negative or p0sitive effect on british society. I think some shows such as big brother allow the audience to laugh at celebritys misfortune and I would like to explore this concept in a lot more deph, I will do this by looking into british television shows that humiliate celebritys and put them through horrible and embarrasing situations that any human would find distressing. Overall I am really excited to explore this topic and I will be using a large variety of sources such as books, aritcles and youtube videos to find my information. There is a lot of information about this topic on the web which means I can go into large detail about the topic and as I learn about it, find out my own opinion on whether reaality television has a negative or positive effect on society.

TV Studio Evaluation

I really enjoyed the television studio unit. I put myself up to be producer for this project because I thought it would help me improve my confidence leading a group and put me outside of my compfort zone. It would also give me experience producing an orginal idea and taking the responcability of making sure it is succesfull.

We started off by throwing ideas around in a circle and all giving an opinion on what every member of the group thought would make a successful tv show. This was a good idea because we had already had the task of writing a blog post of two orgional tv show ideas therefore we just shared them. This proved difficult because not everyone got what they wanted for the tv show and although I tried my hardest to take everyones ideas on it just didnt work out that way. People were not used to taking orders and having the final descisions made by two people and it caused dispute but it was quickly resolved.

We arranged auditions to find two contestants to be on the show and planned questions and activitys for this process however unfortunantly nobody turned up so instead we borrowed two people from our teachers James First years to be contestants to which they were very excited about. These contestants were called Tom and Bailey.

I then had the role of giving everyone roles in pre-production and post productuon. These roles were

Shauna Church- Producer, Vision Mixer, Set Design, Costume and makeup.

Jamie Cook- Assistant Producer, Floor Manager, Logo Design, Sub Team.

Liam  Richards- Director, StoryBoard Artist, Set Design, Sub Team.

Maddie Smith – Camera 1, Opening titles and credits.

Magda Gaik- Auto Cue, Head of Set Design.

Josh Chiverton- Sound Director, Health and Safety.

Sam Genduso- Script, Sub Team, Camera 2.

Tommy Adcock- Lighting Director, Sub Team.

James Rimmer- Camera 3, Sub Team.

Everybody was happy with these roles and we began to create our tv show.

I Found it very difficult pleasing everyone in the group and having to push people to do things in order to make sure our show doesn’t fail. However people in the group were understanding and worked really hard to make they’re part of the pre-production as perfect as they could. I was really happy with how the set design looked and although it was rushed it actually looked colourful, bright and amazing.

I really hope my efforts to be the best producer I could be and also my roles with set design and vision mixing were noticed and appreicated by the group. The overall unit taught me how hard it would be to not only get into the media industry but however The struggles of working and leading a team. It really taught me that I need to prepare my work more and also orgainse what im doing on paper instead of letting them get jumbled up in my head. It was an amazing expereince to work with such a fantasic team and although the unit involved lots of dispite overall we all kept our professional heads on and made it a success. I was really happy with the turn out of the tv studio evaluation and I would love to do it agian, however maybe not as a producer.



2 original TV show ideas

Idea 1-  For my first idea I would create a Reality TV Show About Celebritys Going on an Afircan Safari and being stripped back from makeup and all social media. This will be aired on ITV2 at 9pm due to the harsh realitys of the african savannah and also due to language and adult references. It will be aiming at familys, specifically at members around the ages of 16+ despite slight language. All Celebritys will be wearing a different colour so Its easy for the audience to vote who stays in and leaves. The celebritys will have to take part in fun unusual tasks in order to gain treats and will be restircted to an african menu shopping list.


Idea 2- A Family Game Show about trying not to betray emoitions. which will show two contestants battling out on different rounds to not display emotions in order to gain points. The different rounds will be

try not to laugh

try not to cry

try not to miss

and a buzzer round where they will have to answer general knowledge questions about social media and the news.

It will be aired at ITV2 at 10pm due to adult language. The target audience will be 18+ girls.